<![CDATA[ASAC JANITORIAL SERVICES - Blog]]>Mon, 06 May 2024 16:44:41 -0400Weebly<![CDATA[Cleaning Therapy]]>Mon, 19 Feb 2024 21:42:34 GMThttp://stepaboveclean.com/cleanspotblog/cleaning-therapyCLEANING THERAPY:
Cleaning to combat Seasonal Depression
During winter months some people experience increased levels of depression called Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). According to the Mayo Clinic, Seasonal Affective Disorder can be categorized as depression and mood changes caused by fluctuations in the weather. Those affected may spend more time in bed, feel sluggish and tired, have increased senses of hopelessness or worthlessness, and sometimes even experience suicidal thoughts. However, this phenomenon is not unique to those suffering from mental health issues. In general, it’s very common for weather patterns to determine one’s mood or emotion.

For instance, on a rainy, dreary day, filled with dark clouds, and cold winds its customary to snuggle up in a warm blanket, turn on the tube, and drink a nice glass of warm something. Yet, during warmer, sunnier, days there is a sense of having to go out to “enjoy the day”, spend time with loved ones, and reel in the fresh air. The light, fresh air, and general sense of pleasure increases a feel good chemical in the brain called serotonin, which supports positive mental health. The Mayo Clinic recommends light therapy as an effective method of counteracting the dark characteristics of winter months. For example, painting your room a lighter color, adding sunlight to a dark room, or even cleaning and/or organizing an area can help to decrease depressive emotions. 

​One of the most effective methods of cleaning the home, and feeling a sense of accomplishment and clarity is to purge items that are no longer needed. Go through your closet and remove those old dresses/suits you haven’t worn in years. Look through your old shoes and donate them to goodwill. Take a junk drawer or two, purchase some organizers, and turn a rainy day into a cleaning staycation! The thrilling result of a clean, organized, and fresh area will help to increase serotonin levels that support good mental health. Check out these organizers from Shein.com . Happy Cleaning!!!
<![CDATA[The Importance of the Post Construction Cleaning]]>Wed, 16 Aug 2023 15:01:56 GMThttp://stepaboveclean.com/cleanspotblog/the-importance-of-the-post-construction-cleaningThe Importance of the Post Construction Clean
When developers or general contractors complete new construction projects the owner of the buildings expect the projects to be delivered in new condition. However, after the floors are laid, shelving is installed, drywall and other projects are completed, you are often left with a lot of dirt, trash, dust, and leftover equipment that resembles anything but a new building. Furthermore, because buildings are constructed by each vendor as opposed to one group of people, as different stages of the construction process are completed additional dirt and debris continues to accumulate until the job is complete.

Subsequently, most work plans and/or specifications will necessitate the hiring of a professional cleaning company to come in and provide a deep cleaning to present the property to the owner in a clean and tidy manner. The deep cleaning should include the removal of any remaining stickers, labels, or coverings that remain on appliances. Cabinets, drawers, desks, and all other areas should be wiped inside and out.

Due to the amount of dust present after new construction, a commercial vacuum or dust mop may be used to remove dust and dirt. Door jams, window sills, tops of doors, walls, baseboards, vents, ceiling fans, and light fixtures should be wiped down. Floors should be vacuumed and/or mopped, cleaning spots and spills. Kitchens and bathrooms should be thoroughly cleaned, including wiping down and behind all appliances, sinks, toilet bowls, and tubs.

All remaining bulk trash should be disposed, work equipment and any leftover materials should be removed, and windows should be cleaned inside and out. The building should be offered back to the GC and owner in showroom condition and ready for final inspection.  

<![CDATA[To Clean with Cloths versus Paper Towels…That is the Question]]>Mon, 24 Jul 2023 14:20:40 GMThttp://stepaboveclean.com/cleanspotblog/to-clean-with-cloths-versus-paper-towelsthat-is-the-question

To Clean with Cloths versus Paper Towels…That is the Question!!!

​​One of the biggest disagreements I have with my staff and others is the use of cotton cloths in the bathroom. 
Personally, I really hate using cloths in the bathroom because once the cloths are used to clean up fecal matter I have a hard time using them anywhere else. Of course when washing our laundry we use enough bleach to sanitize a small island, but I still have a mental block about using something that touched the outside of a toilet on your clean kitchen counters. Subsequently, my answer is to use paper towels, or taking a page from my staff, color coded cleaning cloths.

Specifically, I love using paper towels to clean bathrooms because you can use them on everything. Use paper towels to clean the mirrors, wipe down sinks, clean around toilet bowls, and to wipe down appliances. In addition, using paper towels makes picking up hair, dirt, and debris a breeze.

However, if you just have to use cloths to clean your building try using color coded cloths. For example, #Amazon has Microfiber Cleaning Cloth, 4 Colors for less than $13.00. Using red cloths in the bathroom and yellow cloths in the kitchen can eliminate the chances of cross contamination and ensure your facility remains sanitized and germ free.


<![CDATA[Sparkling Clean Windows with Water?]]>Mon, 10 Jul 2023 12:48:33 GMThttp://stepaboveclean.com/cleanspotblog/sparkling-clean-windows-with-water

Sparkling Clean Windows with Water???

     As a husband and wife commercial cleaning team we often find ourselves divided on the best techniques to utilize when performing various cleaning activities. For example, he likes to use non scent products to clean areas, while, I personally love the smell of a Mr. Clean or Pinesol to leave a lingering, sweet, aroma. Nevertheless, both techniques leave our buildings clean and sanitized. Therefore, since I am writing this blog I can provide my favorite method for cleaning windows with absolutely NO cleaning agents!
     My secret weapon, two things; a dry cotton cleaning cloth, and water. Wipe your windows, glass, or mirrors down with a clean, wet, cloth, and wipe clean. Then take a dry, cotton, cloth to wipe down the area. The glass will be left clear, and streak free!

Try it and let us know how it worked!
<![CDATA[What should you expect from a Move-Out Cleaning?]]>Mon, 26 Jun 2023 14:04:43 GMThttp://stepaboveclean.com/cleanspotblog/what-should-you-expect-from-a-move-out-cleaningWhat should you expect from a Move-Out Cleaning?
Commercial cleaning companies are hired to perform move-out cleanings to ensure the property is left in what is referred to as a “normal wear and tear” condition. Normal wear and tear implies that while the property was not left in the condition it was first received, it was left in a reasonable condition for being lived in for a certain period of time. Therefore, most landlords will expect that walls will have to be repainted, carpet will have to be replaced, and other minor items may be needed to prepare for new tenants.

However, things like spots on floors, holes in walls, and excessive amounts of dust, dirt or debris may cause tenants to lose some or all of their security deposits for non cleaning. However, to reduce the changes of losing your security deposit, a professional cleaning company should be employed to ensure all areas are in good condition. A good move-out cleaning check-list should include:

Clean all bathrooms -  cleaning around toilets, sinks, bathtubs, shining chrome fixtures, cleaning inside and outside of cabinets and drawers, cleaning mirrors, dusting vents and light fixtures, wipe down walls and baseboards, sweeping and moping the floor.

Clean the kitchen – clean sinks, behind all remaining appliances, wipe down stove removing all eye covers and removing stuck on food and debris, clean inside and outside of cabinets and drawers, wipe down walls and baseboards, sweep and mop floor. (Cleaning the interior/exterior of stoves and refrigerators is usually an additional cost)

Clean Rooms – Dusting all remaining items, vacuum/sweep in corners, clean light fixtures/ceiling fans/vents, repair holes in walls (for an additional cost), sweep/mop where applicable.

Floors – Remove spots in floors (could be an additional charge), sweep/mop, vacuum.

Other – Clean windows and windowsills, wipe down and clean behind laundry machines, in closets, basements, and all hallway areas.

Have other move-out cleaning suggestions? Add them in the comments section.

<![CDATA[Keeping Your Office Clean Between Cleanings]]>Wed, 21 Jun 2023 15:14:31 GMThttp://stepaboveclean.com/cleanspotblog/keeping-your-office-cleanKeeping Your Office Clean Between Cleanings
For offices that don’t have daily janitorial services, maintaining a clean space is of the utmost importance. When trash cans are not changed, kitchen and breakrooms are not fully cleaned, and limited vacuuming/sweeping increases the accumulation of dirt and debris on the floors. However, there are a few tricks that can be employed by all to ensure the office remains neat and tidy between cleanings.

  1. Leave a box of #Lysol disinfectant wipes in the kitchen and bathrooms to quickly clean sinks, counters, and around toilet bowls after each use.
  2. Put food in the kitchen trash only. Personal desk trash cans should never be used for food, drinks, or anything that can attract pests.
  3. Purchase low costs dusting wipes like #Pledge wipes, or even less expensive brands from the #DollarTree. Wipes can be used to remove dust from desks and certain appliances/electronics. (Always check the product specifications before applying any cleaning agents)
  4. Leave extra trash bags in breaks rooms to encourage workers to empty cans in between cleanings.
  5. Ask employees to clean microwaves after each use. Having #Lysol wipes handy can help with this too.

Maintaining a clean office is not just the job of the Janitorial company, but everyone. Employing these simple steps can definitely make a difference in the cleanliness of your office.

<![CDATA[Cleaning Like Momma]]>Tue, 18 Apr 2023 12:15:49 GMThttp://stepaboveclean.com/cleanspotblog/cleaning-like-mommaCLEANING LIKE MOMMA
By: Andrea Moore

​     When I was growing up in the 1980s Saturday mornings were the best. I would get up at 7:30 am, make myself the largest bowl of fruit loops cereal, and sit in front of the television for 3 hours of Fred, Barney and the rest of the cartoons that displayed for youth my age. While this was happening, my mother happily turned on her old Southern spirituals and dusted and swept to her favorite gospel tunes. After having my breakfast I would join her, and would be anxious to do so. Me and mom would mop the floors, she would let me dust the furniture with “the spray” as I called it, and we would wipe down every inch of our home. Soon, the house smelled like pine sol and lemon pledge, a smell that still brings back fond memories.

     Unfortunately now my Saturday mornings are filled with meetings, charitable events, and appointments. Saturday morning housework has turned into spot cleaning to ensure my house is not completely destroyed. However, there are still dishes in the dishwasher, clothes in the hamper that need to be washed, and I’m sure my daughter’s bathroom trash is about to take itself out.

Furthermore, my inability to “clean like my momma”, really begin to weigh on me and I started questioning my mothering skills. Shouldn’t my floors be clean enough to eat on? Shouldn’t everything have a place? Shouldn’t every inch of my house shine and glow like my mommas?

     These questions haunted me until I looked at my now 70 something year old mother and viewed her new life. She is now retired, gets up at noon, has lunch, goes back to bed or completes charitable or schoolwork, has dinner, cleans her items, and back to bed. Her routine from my youth has completely changed. Not only because of her age, but also because life has changed.

​     For lunch she can call doordash, so there is no cooking or cleaning. Sometimes her community events are online, sometimes she must leave the house. Even her church services can be viewed online now. Subsequently, I had to look at my life and take some of the strain off of myself. Its 2023, where television stays on 24/7, people can contact you for work from anywhere, at anytime of day, and since there is so much to do in life now time is very limited.

​     Therefore, I look at my life and take a sigh of relief. I am a business owner, mother of 2, grandparent of 3, mentor, accountant, cleaner, advocate, speaker, and more. So, the fact that I may not be the best homemaker is something that I can now get over!

<![CDATA[Top 5 Craziest Things Cleaners Have Found While Cleaning]]>Thu, 02 Feb 2023 16:55:12 GMThttp://stepaboveclean.com/cleanspotblog/top-5-craziest-things-cleaners-have-found-while-cleaning5 Crazy Items Found While Cleaning

​5. Freezer full of Poo – Cosmo starts us off with what might be the most unappealing item of them all. At the Hilton one cleaner actually found the freezer ice trays had been filled with human feces. Not exactly the fudge pop she was expecting. 

4. N.O.T.H.I.N.G…Absolutely Nothing!! – According to Cosmo, a cleaner came into the room to "clean up" only to find that everything had been "cleaned out". No furniture, bed, art, hairdryer ripped out the wall, coffee pot gone, tv lamps, even the bible!! OHHH MY! Apparently the perpetrator background the car up, ripped out the window locks, and tossed everything out the window. Hope they had his real I.D.

3. Bees – So this one comes from ebaumsworld.com... Bees and bee crap literally covering every single spot in the place. The guy was a beekeeper and was delivering a hive. He brought it into the room, where the hive tipped over and broke. It took days of scrubbing with some harsh chemicals to get the poo off. Even had to repaint walls. Ummm Yuck!

2. His “Girlfriend” – Here is another gem from ebaumsworld.com…I no longer work the job, but when I did I thought I found a dead body because I saw a person in bed under the covers after checkout. I called out but got no response. Guy forgot his inflatable girlfriend under the covers. They must have had a fight. LOL

...AND #1

1. A dead alligator!!! – Now, the Oakwood Resort doesn’t say what, where, when or why... but I am sure it's one heck of a story. 
<![CDATA[Cats, Dogs, and Iguanas...Ohh My!!!]]>Tue, 03 Jan 2023 17:01:11 GMThttp://stepaboveclean.com/cleanspotblog/cats-dogs-and-iguanasohh-myThe Other Office Staff Picture

​When I first started our residential cleaning services company it never occured to me that cleaning the insides of resident's homes may require contact with their househould pets. For, growing up in the Knight household this concept was very new to me. Of course, my grandmother kept dogs around our family home in North Carolina. However, they had their personal homes outside, and they were never allowed inside the house. Subsequently, my conact with most furry, four legged, or scally friends was pretty limited. Furthermore, due to a dramatic event involving a shitzu, and very scared 7 year old, I always had a fear of dogs and cats.

Nevertheless, as a residential cleaner I had to swallow my fears and learn to work around household animals. But not only dogs, their feline companions always felt like they smelled my fear and stalked me. Once I went to a friends barbeque and I swear their white, blue eyed cat sashayed next to me, flung his fluffy white tail of my shoulder and dared me to move. From then on I felt the animal world was watching me and could sense my anxiety and was ready to pounce at anytime.

However, one of the first memories that dispelled this myth was working for a client named Mr. Sullivan and his dog Hershey. Hershey was an old, dark brown, golden retriever that was around 10 years old with arthritis.  The animal could barely move so I had to frequently clean around him, even lifing his tail to vaccum the floor. When I first encountered the animal I was so afraid I nearly fell backwards. He stood about knee level and sat up straight, right by the door. Well, as I was about to take off for the hills he sniffed me a little and laid down. It then occured to me that maybe these furry friends are not so bad. 

I learned that like people many animals have different temperaments, but for the most part as you clean homes and the pets learn you and you them, relationships are formed and alliances are built. The one eyed cat in the picture is from one of our office buildings. The staff leaves cat food around the offices so to me he is one of the crew members as well. If he is hungry he will come up to the door, I will feed him, and he will be off. I enjoy Captain Jack as I call him, and our encounters definitely make me much more comfortable around animals. 
<![CDATA[HOW TO PLAN FOR UNCERTAIN TIMES]]>Tue, 22 Sep 2020 16:32:01 GMThttp://stepaboveclean.com/cleanspotblog/how-to-plan-for-uncertain-timesHOW TO PLAN FOR UNCERTAIN TIMES...
Yes, COVID is upon us and appears to be here to stay for a while. Unfortunately, that means we are spending more time in the house, we have become professors to our little ones, and we have transformed into caregivers to our elderly. Our lives as busy working adults with packed schedules, heavy business travel, and various meetings and events have been replaced with virtual birthday party planning, homeschooling preparation, and restructuring our budgets in response to a not so great economy. Subsequently, if we never thought about planning for uncertain times before, 2020 has proven NOT to be one of those times.

The Coronavirus is real and is killing populations as large as small towns within the US and abroad. Consequently, trying to resume life as we knew it before 2020 is not only a dream, it may be dangerous. Therefore, we as adults have to take the unordinary steps of preparing for a new world with uncertain conditions and unknown futures. Basically, we have got to get our stuff together and take control of our destinies because as we have seen, we may not be able to rely on our leaders when the resources start to dry up!


There are many forms of life insurance that you can secure for your family. There is term life, which insures you for a certain period of time and is usually lower priced. Or, whole or permanent life, which protects you forever and can be quite costly. Nevertheless, if something were to suddenly happen to any member of your family you want to be protected to stop a financial catastrophe compounded with a death. Read more here: At Nerd Wallet.
In business it is prudent to complete an annual budget, and use that budget throughout the year to stay on course financially. Nevertheless, as we have seen with the coronavirus your plans and finances can change rather quickly. With over 40 million unemployed in the US many of us have seen our incomes go from 60 – 70k to 10 or 20k overnight.
Therefore, we must change our spending patterns to weather these storms. Maybe you don’t need cable now for $200 per month and can deal with just Netflix for may around $25 or less. Instead of eating out 2-3 times per week, maybe try just on Sunday. No one is saying that changing your lifestyle will be easy, but during this time it may just save your life.
I hear you. You lost your job or they reduced your pay by 50%. They stopped the increased unemployment benefit. You are deciding weather to pay your rent or buy food for your family. You are stressed because your car is about to be repossessed. Your savings….what savings! Sometimes there is just nothing you can do with what you have. So what is the answer you ask, get MORE! Let’s face it, in America WE NEED MONEY. There is just no getting around that.
Subsequently, navigating this new America means increasing our streams of income to supplement a less than stellar job market. For example, do you have time to help someone grow their business online? Maybe you can work a few hours per day as a virtual assistant. Do you like social media? Maybe there are freelance blogger positions. Do you have a car or do you have free time? Drive or be a shopper for Instacart. Do your research and go forth and produce!
About 4 months ago while vigorously typing an infuriating response to someone on Facebook about why some entrepreneurs are wildly successful and others are not, I found myself remarking that, “rich people are not fussing on FB because they are out making money”. At that time to my dismay, I immediately identified with the less successful people that spend hours and hours on social media trying to explain their fruitless points to other less successful people. I would literally spend 2-3 hours on social media; 2-3 HOURS!
I surmised that I could have written at least 2 blog posts, called over 10-15 potential cleaning customers, or just took another certification for my business in the time I opted to chat. All the time I spent on social media was counter productive to my development as a successful Janitorial entrepreneur. Consequently, I took Facebook and my other favorite social media platforms off my phone. I dedicated time to reading value added stories and searching for topics that helped grow my business during my free time. The change helped increase my productivity in my business which ultimately led to an increase in revenue.
And I am not just talking about the adults. Your children are important and vital members of your family. Not only that, they are your legacy and may one day have to assume responsibility for the family. Furthermore, children have the same feelings, desires, wants, needs, etc. as adults. Although they are not adults yet, they are working towards it. By having a family meeting to discuss everyone’s goal and objectives you are aligning your family for success and providing each member the support, guidance and protection they need to thrive! 

So there you have it. My tips for planning in uncertain times. Now give me yours!